The Frequency of Truth

We are all electrical grids. Our aura’s are our electromagnetic field of influence which puts off a unique frequency. But this frequency is just a potential. As we grow older we encounter resistance to our frequency and we internalize it. Our minds make us believe that our frequency is somehow wrong or unwanted. So we compensate and go against our true nature as a matter of survival. Over time this overriding of our soul’s integrity becomes who we are. 

I heard a great analogy about conditioning recently. When weather conditions are harsh, we adjust to them accordingly by putting on more layers to keep warm. However, when the weather changes and we no longer need the layers, we know to take them off. Unfortunately we don’t have the same wherewithal when it comes to the patterns we adopt as kids and adolescence. We wear the same protective layers into adulthood which are no longer appropriate and are now suffocating us.

This is how our frequency gets distorted. In essence, who we present to the world is a lie, and it’s killing us. This isn’t hyperbole anymore, it’s a statistical fact. The greed, hierarchy, and subsequent discrimination in our culture makes it impossible for anyone to feel safe being who they truly are. This is the source of all suffering on earth. The distorted frequency field we live in is so intense. The frustration, anger, disappointment and bitterness are so prevalent on this planet and we’re so used to it that it’s become our “normal.”

A slow and steady counter culture is rising up. Physicians, social anthropologists, and thought leaders all warn against the perils of not living our authentic truth. That it leads to disease, disconnection and even mental illness. And while they have identified the causes, symptoms, and even the solution; the one thing these people don’t have is the “how.” How do we live our truth when it’s buried so deep? From where I’m sitting on this roof, Human Design is the only way. If there was some other solution I would tell you, but I haven’t found one yet.

The keynotes that are contained within the Human Design system carry the frequency of YOUR truth which is here to set you free. It’s like a breath of fresh air in the smog. The first reading is a small peephole that gives you a glimpse of who you always knew you were. Your truth finally has a fighting chance. But it takes repetition and continued support to keep your new truth alive, at least in the beginning. As you slowly shed the layers you unwittingly put on you can finally be the true expression of yourself. This is the key to everything.

Ra once said that if we could actually see the madness we live in, we would all be very scared. I am scared. I am not scared for myself, I’ll be just fine. I am scared for those who live in the distortion thinking it’s reality. I am scared for the generations who grow up thinking this is normal; it’s not. I can’t speak for everyone, but those of us I’ve met in the field of Human Design are trying to usher in a new normal because the distortion has clearly gotten WAY out of hand. The illness, the violence, the polarization, it’s all too much!

We can no longer afford to wallpaper over the truth. The age of gluttony and hierarchy are over. The age of the yin is upon us. Individual selfish survival is what is required of us now. Enlightened, aligned selfishness is the only way to step outside of the Matrix and into the truth. Human Design is the red pill, and I warn you, there is NO unseeing what it shows you. But what it offers is glorious beyond your imagination. There is nothing more beautiful than the truth. There is nothing more perfect than the real you!


We Don’t Talk Enough about Deconditioning…