My name is Zsuzsi and I’m a 6/2, Split Definition, Sacral, Manifesting Generator

I was a MESS when Human Design found me. Yes, I believe it found me. I was seriously at the end of my rope and spiraling, when it hit me like a bucket of ice water. It was the wakeup call I needed and nothing has been the same since.

Learning to trust myself helped me to make some really big and necessary changes. The way I was going was absolutely unsustainable, so I decided to torch my old life, and the old me, and start over. I’ve never looked back.

I created a new way of being that comes from truly aligning to myself. I take it one breath at a time. I left my (now) ex husband and NYC to move to the mountains of Northern California where I met the love of my life. We are now blissfully married. I wake up every morning full of wonder over how ended up in a life I never knew I always wanted.

This doesn’t mean that everything is always perfect. My deconditioning process is ongoing, but now I have a much stronger sense of self and a solid support system to turn to when I hit a rough patch. I also know how to pay attention to the signals my body sends me and give myself the care I need instead of ignoring it like I did in the past.

Does this sound amazing? It is! And I want nothing but for you to have what I have. For you to have your dream life, whatever that looks like for you. Human Design was the best thing I ever did for myself and I’ve seen first hand how it can bring incredible transformation to others. It is truly my honor to be of service in this way!

Contact me.